Tips and Techniques for 'Pixel Perfect' Figma to Tailwind CSS Conversions

Kent C. Dodds
AuthorKent C. Dodds

You’ve been tasked to convert a Figma design to Tailwind CSS.

It needs to be “pixel perfect”, according to the product manager 😅

Well, good luck — “pixel perfection” is a bit of a myth, when it comes to web development. Each browser has its own little quirks, and HTML is fluid by nature.

But with a good a meticulous workflow, you can get pretty close to “pixel perfection”. Close enough to impress your designer(s) and make them enjoy working with you!

A methodical & repeatable process

The best way to get a consistently good output is to put in place a methodical strategy — a repeatable workflow.

The following step-by-step approach is just that. It will help you produce high-fidelity HTML and CSS design conversions.

1. Think about the unstyled HTML markup first

Start with the basic HTML structure without any styling. This helps you focus on the content and semantics of the elements.

2. Identify unique design “tokens”

Extract and define tokens for colors, spacing, and typography, etc. Good designers may have defined those in Figma already.

Configure these tokens in your Tailwind theme, so that Tailwind becomes what feels like a bespoke CSS framework for this specific project.

3. Consider the overall page layout

Conceptually break down the design into layout containers. Is there a page wrapper? A multi-column parent container? Keep those in mind when scaffolding your HTML elements.

4. Start with Mobile Design

Alright — you’re finally ready to implement the design.

Start the mobile layout first. Keep larger breakpoints in mind (see previous point about overall page layout). Ensure the mobile layout is really solid before moving on.

🤗 Suggestion: if you’re game, before moving on, do a “screenshot overlay” test of your implementation. Take a screenshot of the Figma design at 100% scale, and overlay it in the browser with a tool like the Perfect Pixel chrome extension.

A brutally honest way to know how close you really are 😅

5. Do multiple passes of adding design changes

Address design updates for different breakpoints in stages. For example, adjust typography across all breakpoints first, then move on to spacing.

Laser-focusing on one specific concern really helps making sure nothing falls through the crack.

Do as many passes as you see fit.

When you’re done — do another screenshot overlay test for each breakpoint!

6. Go beyond the static design — implement transitions and animations

Here’s the part where you can really wow your designers and bring polish and delight to your implementation. Think about specific interaction transitions and/or animations.

Don’t over-do it though — sprinkle animations like you sprinkle salt on a meal.


By following these tips and techniques, you are likely to consistently produce Figma to Tailwind CSS conversions that feel near pixel perfect.

And you’ll make the designers you work with very happy 🤗

🎓 If that approach sounds good to you and you’d like to dive deeper into a real-world use case, check out the Pixel Pefrect Tailwind workshop, where we do just that!

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Kent C. Dodds
Written by Kent C. Dodds

Kent C. Dodds is a world renowned speaker, teacher, and trainer and he's actively involved in the open source community as a maintainer and contributor of hundreds of popular npm packages. He is the creator of EpicReact.Dev and He's an instructor on and Frontend Masters. He's also a Google Developer Expert. Kent is happily married and the father of four kids. He likes his family, code, JavaScript, and Remix.

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